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Member Since 2016-06
Total 44 products in PLUS-METAL TECH.CO
Show: 30 items
High Velocity Oxygen Fuel

High Velocity Oxygen Fuel 2016-07-26 15:14:45

<H igh Velocity Oxygen Fuel(HVOF)> High Velocity Oxygen Fuel (HVOF) coating is a thermal spray process used to improve surface properties or restore dimensions of components. Life time of opera ...

Plasma Spray Coating Process

Plasma Spray Coating Process 2016-07-26 15:14:45

<Plasma Spray Coating> Thermal spraying is an effective method to apply thick coatings to change surface properties of the substrate. Thermal sprayed coatings are widely used in many application ...

HVOF Spray

HVOF Spray 2016-07-26 15:14:43

<Nickel Cobalt Chromium Aluminum Yttrium (NiCoCrAlY) Coating> Superalloy components subjected to hot corrosion environments are commonly protected by metallic coatings to maintain their usabilit ...

HVOF Coating Process

HVOF Coating Process 2016-07-26 15:14:42

<Cobalt Nickel Chromium Aluminum Yttrium (CoNiCrAlY) Coating> Thermally sprayed coatings have been widely applied in industrial components. One of the most critical and widely used applications ...

High Velocity Oxygen Fuel Coating

High Velocity Oxygen Fuel Coating 2016-07-26 15:14:41

<Nickel Chromium Aluminum Yttrium (NiCrAlY) Alloy Coating> NiCrAlY alloys are common thermal spray coating materials known for their excellent resistance to oxidation and hot corrosion. Working ...

HVOF Spray Coating

HVOF Spray Coating 2016-07-26 15:14:36

<Iron Chromium Aluminum Yttrium (FeCrAlY) Alloy Coating> The excellent performance of the FeCrAlY alloy is from the property to generate a protective oxide layer that helps to resist chemical at ...

Flame Spray Technologies

Flame Spray Technologies 2016-07-26 15:14:40

<Flame Spray and Fusion> Thermal sprayed self-fluxing alloys can be applied on a substrate by any available spray process including flame spray and plasma spray. The fused coatings are dense and ...

Flame Spray Process

Flame Spray Process 2016-07-26 15:14:38

<Cobalt Based Self-fluxing Coating> Spray and fusion process of self-fusing alloy coating include spraying and fusion at a temperature ranging from 1050 to 1200˚C. The fusing temperature is alwa ...

Nickel Coatings

Nickel Coatings 2016-07-26 15:14:37

<Nickel Based Self-fluxing Coating> The flame (or combustion) powder spray process has a similar principle as the flame wire spray process, except that the feedstock is wire rather than powder. ...

Tungsten Carbide Spray Coating

Tungsten Carbide Spray Coating 2016-07-26 15:14:35

<Tungsten Carbide – Nickel Chromium Self-fluxing Coating> Self-fluxing alloy is a type of material which has lower melting-temperature and functions of self-deoxidization and self-slag formation ...

Solid Oxide Fuel Cell

Solid Oxide Fuel Cell 2016-07-26 15:14:34

<Lanthanum Oxide Based Coating > Lanthanum oxide coatings with some other compositions have features of good conductive and corrosion-resistant . The material is usually used in solid oxide fu ...

Chromium Oxide Coating

Chromium Oxide Coating 2016-07-26 15:14:32

<Chromium Oxide Based Coating> Thermal sprayed chromia coatings with different amount of metal oxide have different features and applications. (1) Thermal sprayed coatings with pure chromia ( ...

Titanium Dioxide Coatings

Titanium Dioxide Coatings 2016-07-26 15:14:31

<Titanium Dioxide Alumina Coating> Thermal sprayed alumina coatings with different amount of titania have different features and applications. (1) Thermal sprayed alumina coating added with 2 ...

Titanium Dioxide Coating

Titanium Dioxide Coating 2016-07-26 15:14:31

<Titanium Dioxide Coating> The deposition of thermal sprayed (TS) metal oxide coatings have been connected with a huge research effort that led to a considerable number of industrial application ...

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