High Velocity Oxygen Fuel 2016-07-26 15:14:45
<H igh Velocity Oxygen Fuel(HVOF)> High Velocity Oxygen Fuel (HVOF) coating is a thermal spray process used to improve surface properties or restore dimensions of components. Life time of opera ...
Plasma Spray Coating Process 2016-07-26 15:14:45
<Plasma Spray Coating> Thermal spraying is an effective method to apply thick coatings to change surface properties of the substrate. Thermal sprayed coatings are widely used in many application ...
HVOF Spray 2016-07-26 15:14:43
<Nickel Cobalt Chromium Aluminum Yttrium (NiCoCrAlY) Coating> Superalloy components subjected to hot corrosion environments are commonly protected by metallic coatings to maintain their usabilit ...
HVOF Coating Process 2016-07-26 15:14:42
<Cobalt Nickel Chromium Aluminum Yttrium (CoNiCrAlY) Coating> Thermally sprayed coatings have been widely applied in industrial components. One of the most critical and widely used applications ...
High Velocity Oxygen Fuel Coating 2016-07-26 15:14:41
<Nickel Chromium Aluminum Yttrium (NiCrAlY) Alloy Coating> NiCrAlY alloys are common thermal spray coating materials known for their excellent resistance to oxidation and hot corrosion. Working ...
HVOF Spray Coating 2016-07-26 15:14:36
<Iron Chromium Aluminum Yttrium (FeCrAlY) Alloy Coating> The excellent performance of the FeCrAlY alloy is from the property to generate a protective oxide layer that helps to resist chemical at ...
Flame Spray Technologies 2016-07-26 15:14:40
<Flame Spray and Fusion> Thermal sprayed self-fluxing alloys can be applied on a substrate by any available spray process including flame spray and plasma spray. The fused coatings are dense and ...
Flame Spray Process 2016-07-26 15:14:38
<Cobalt Based Self-fluxing Coating> Spray and fusion process of self-fusing alloy coating include spraying and fusion at a temperature ranging from 1050 to 1200˚C. The fusing temperature is alwa ...
Nickel Coatings 2016-07-26 15:14:37
<Nickel Based Self-fluxing Coating> The flame (or combustion) powder spray process has a similar principle as the flame wire spray process, except that the feedstock is wire rather than powder. ...
Tungsten Carbide Spray Coating 2016-07-26 15:14:35
<Tungsten Carbide – Nickel Chromium Self-fluxing Coating> Self-fluxing alloy is a type of material which has lower melting-temperature and functions of self-deoxidization and self-slag formation ...
Solid Oxide Fuel Cell 2016-07-26 15:14:34
<Lanthanum Oxide Based Coating > Lanthanum oxide coatings with some other compositions have features of good conductive and corrosion-resistant . The material is usually used in solid oxide fu ...
Chromium Oxide Coating 2016-07-26 15:14:32
<Chromium Oxide Based Coating> Thermal sprayed chromia coatings with different amount of metal oxide have different features and applications. (1) Thermal sprayed coatings with pure chromia ( ...
Titanium Dioxide Coatings 2016-07-26 15:14:31
<Titanium Dioxide Alumina Coating> Thermal sprayed alumina coatings with different amount of titania have different features and applications. (1) Thermal sprayed alumina coating added with 2 ...
Titanium Dioxide Coating 2016-07-26 15:14:31
<Titanium Dioxide Coating> The deposition of thermal sprayed (TS) metal oxide coatings have been connected with a huge research effort that led to a considerable number of industrial application ...