Flame Spray Process
Item No.: | B3 |
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<Cobalt Based Self-fluxing Coating>
Spray and fusion process of self-fusing alloy coating include spraying and fusion at a temperature ranging from 1050 to 1200˚C. The fusing temperature is always below the melting temperature of the base material. The fusing process brought self-fluxing alloy to a liquid state and then the sprayed material is cooled in a controlled manner to prevent tearing. Fusing creates an homogenous coating which is comparable to a welded layer.
In general, Ni and Co-base self-fluxing alloys are designed as thermal spray coating materials to the applications which require resistant to corrosion and wear on the surface.
Thermal spraying followed by fusion results in not only remove defects such as voids and non-metallic inclusions from the coating layer but also enhance bonding strength with the substrate.
Cobalt-based self-fluxing alloys, also known as the brand name Stellite, have a wide range of hardness, which is from relatively soft for better machinability to extremely hard for higher wear-resistant. Wolfram carbides(or tungsten carbides) cobalt-based self-fusing alloys acquire extreme wear resistance but only be machined further by means of grinding. For the features of wear-resistant and corrosion-resistant, working temperature of cobalt-based self-fluxing coating can higher than other alloy materials.
Plus Metal Tech (PMT) provides services of protective and functional coatings, such as wear-resistant, corrosion-resistant, erosion-resistant, conductive and insulative coatings. Our thermal coating service is fully customized. Process choices depend on customer’s demands and the chosen materials. For any questions about surface treatment and enhancement, please do not hesitate to give us the message or email. We welcome for the discussion with you.
Spray and fusion process of self-fusing alloy coating include spraying and fusion at a temperature ranging from 1050 to 1200˚C. The fusing temperature is always below the melting temperature of the base material. The fusing process brought self-fluxing alloy to a liquid state and then the sprayed material is cooled in a controlled manner to prevent tearing. Fusing creates an homogenous coating which is comparable to a welded layer.
In general, Ni and Co-base self-fluxing alloys are designed as thermal spray coating materials to the applications which require resistant to corrosion and wear on the surface.
Thermal spraying followed by fusion results in not only remove defects such as voids and non-metallic inclusions from the coating layer but also enhance bonding strength with the substrate.
Cobalt-based self-fluxing alloys, also known as the brand name Stellite, have a wide range of hardness, which is from relatively soft for better machinability to extremely hard for higher wear-resistant. Wolfram carbides(or tungsten carbides) cobalt-based self-fusing alloys acquire extreme wear resistance but only be machined further by means of grinding. For the features of wear-resistant and corrosion-resistant, working temperature of cobalt-based self-fluxing coating can higher than other alloy materials.
Plus Metal Tech (PMT) provides services of protective and functional coatings, such as wear-resistant, corrosion-resistant, erosion-resistant, conductive and insulative coatings. Our thermal coating service is fully customized. Process choices depend on customer’s demands and the chosen materials. For any questions about surface treatment and enhancement, please do not hesitate to give us the message or email. We welcome for the discussion with you.