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Chromium Oxide Coating - A3

Chromium Oxide Coating

Item No.: A3
Supplier Details
Country: Taiwan
City: Taiwan(ROC)
Address: No.59, Dade Rd. Xinhua Dist., Tainan City 712
TEL: +886-6-5983553
Fax: +886-6-5980753
Online Showroom: 44 Products
<Chromium Oxide Based Coating>
Thermal sprayed chromia coatings with different amount of metal oxide have different features and applications.
(1) Thermal sprayed coatings with pure chromia (chromium oxide, Cr2O3) performs higher hardness and resistance to abrasion and corrosion. However, these kind of coatings sometimes have some problems of brittle properties. The addition of TiO2(titanium dioxide) will have improved ductility and promoted dense, and it'll be smoother than thermal sprayed pure chromia. Thermal sprayed coating with Cr2O3-40%TiO2 performs very good fracture toughness and resistance against abrasion, heat and corrosion. Typical operating temperature of thermal sprayed Cr2O3-40%TiO2 coating is lower. The applications include mandrels for dry cell battery cores, rod couplings of oil industry sucker, drum doctor blades and machine tool chip breakers.
(2) Chromia–Silica(Cr2O3-SiO2) thermal sprayed coatings are designed to perform hard, dense, extremely wear resistant and impact resistance. The silicon dioxide behaves as a dampening medium that absorbs impact energy to prevent grain loosening. The feature enhances wear resistance of the coating. Typical uses of the coating include pump impellers, reciprocating pump compressor rods, air and gas cylinder internals, centrifugal pump seals, wear rings, casing rings and down-hole plungers in petrochemical industry mechanical seal applications, machine elements used for textile manufacturing.
Plus Metal Tech (PMT) provides services of protective and functional coatings, such as wear-resistant, corrosion-resistant, erosion-resistant, conductive and insulative coatings. Our thermal coating service is fully customized. Process choices depend on customer’s demands and the chosen materials. For any questions about surface treatment and enhancement, please do not hesitate to give us the message or email. We welcome for the discussion with you.

We have been successful in establishing our brand and sale to the international market due to our excellent quality and service of

Chromium Oxide Coating

. Delivering the best quality products conforming to the cultural needs of the client is the ultimate goal of us.