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Member Since 2012-05

mr Hung - 1


Looking through the past, our ancestors had to flight with the nature and survive by hunting their own food. Today, people are struggling in searching for a higher quality and respectable life style. Hearing and viewing become two of the most important senses in reaching a better quality of life. Nowadays, the growth of the technology plays an important in our daily lives. Therefore, Tai-Chiun is looking forward in providing the best technology in sounds and images. We are expecting to incorporate the use of new technology into our daily lives. In the other words, “Technology offers higher standard quality of living style.” Technology helps to generate our lives in becoming more convenient and maintaining an easier life in this fast paced living world. Tai-Chiun is creating a quality of living standard and maintaining a technology world which is suitable for a higher living world. We, Tai Chiun Developing Co., Ltd., have founded since 1992 and engaged in Mobile Phone Accessories, Digital Camera Accessories etc, also we have been manufacturing and specializing in BLUETOOTH products such as Bluetooth Headset, Bluetooth Music Streaming Kit, and Universal Bluetooth Conference Combo Kit especially and with an excellent reputation in this field as well. Besides, our company can provide you ODM (Original Design Manufacturer) service which means that the design hasn’t appeared in the market and it belongs to you. You can get the perfect finished product, and it will bring you a lot of profit, because you are the only owner of the product. Managing Director CHARLES HUNG
Contact Detail
County: Taiwan
State: Nei Hu
Zip: 114
Tel: +886-2-26275858
Fax: +886-2-26275656
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