Shoe Support Inserts
Item No.: | 9-4 |
Supplier Details
Country: Taiwan
Address: IF, NO. 26 ALLEY 10, LANE 30, DONG-AN RD., EAST DIST
TEL: +886-6-2007606
Fax: +886-6-2359067

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48 Products
1. Strengthen the muscles.
It strengthens the psoas, gluteus muscle, abdominal muscle. It protects the spine and reduces the improper force of the intervertebral disc. It is like wearing a "human natural iron clothes" to prevent and improve the strain of lumbar muscle, lower back pain and sports injuries.
3. Arch supports provide support for the arch of the foot, the part of the bottom of the foot between the start of the toes and the start of the heels. When you step, the arch support insole helps to absorb pressure and stress, distributing away from the arches of the feet. This can reduce symptoms of pain when you're walking or standing and also reduce the likelihood of pain occurring later after you have taken off your shoes.
It strengthens the psoas, gluteus muscle, abdominal muscle. It protects the spine and reduces the improper force of the intervertebral disc. It is like wearing a "human natural iron clothes" to prevent and improve the strain of lumbar muscle, lower back pain and sports injuries.
3. Arch supports provide support for the arch of the foot, the part of the bottom of the foot between the start of the toes and the start of the heels. When you step, the arch support insole helps to absorb pressure and stress, distributing away from the arches of the feet. This can reduce symptoms of pain when you're walking or standing and also reduce the likelihood of pain occurring later after you have taken off your shoes.