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Sterilizing Machine - OH6800_X

Sterilizing Machine

Item No.: OH6800_X
Supplier Details
Country: Taiwan
Address: IF, NO. 26 ALLEY 10, LANE 30, DONG-AN RD., EAST DIST
TEL: +886-6-2007606
Fax: +886-6-2359067
Online Showroom: 48 Products
1. Water ozonator

Bacteria outbreaks, food safety issues and excessive pesticide use plague food that would otherwise be fit to eat. Typical rinsing with your home faucet's tap water won't kill bacteria either.
With the Cashido 10 Second Machine ozone system on your faucet, a 10 second rinse will kill bacteria, remove pesticides, remove odors and keep food fresh. Ensure the safety of your home, restaurant, hotel and business.

2. Objective
The targeted goal of this experiment is to compare the recovery of microorganisms (see Table I) after contact times of 10,20 and 30 seconds with tap water and with ozonized tap water in order to observe the microbicidal activity of ozone.
3. Protocol
The ozone water generator was set by client to a medium level and a maximal water flow rate was used throughout the experiment. An inoculum of between 1 x 10 and 1 x 10 microorganisms was adds in sterile 250 ml bottles. After the water had been running for 15 seconds, 200ml of ozonizes water was added to the bottles containing the microorganisms. After 10,20 and 30 seconds of contact with the ozonized water, three portions of 1 ml were plated with Tryptic Soy Agar (TSA). The plates were incubated at 30-35。C for 3 days. (in anaerobic conditions for Clostridium difficile)
The preceding steps were repeated with plain tap water and inoculum controls were made to ensure that the targeted inoculum was reached. Since no bactericidal activity was expected with tap water, a dilution was added to the protocol in order to obtain a plate count of around 30-300 colonies per plate. Therefore, Clostridium difficile, Escherichia coli and Salmonella thyphimurium were diluted to 10 and Staphylococcus aureus diluted to 10.
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Sterilizing Machine

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