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Member Since 2016-02
Maghin Co., Ltd.
Product Catalog » Hinge Hardware
Total 6 products in category of Hinge Hardware
Show: 30 items
Locker Hinges

Locker Hinges 2015-06-04 09:29:28

1. Self closing,  Suitable for bedroom doors and bathroom door 2. Material : Galvanized steel or Stainless steel 304 3. Finishing : Galvanized to stainless ste ...

Locker Hinge

Locker Hinge 2015-06-04 09:29:36

1. Specialised locker hinges. Available in L140 (non-springed) and L142 (springed) designs 2. Material: Stainless steel 304 3. Finishing: Barrel polished finish 4 ...

Gravity Hinge

Gravity Hinge 2015-06-04 09:29:45

1. Suitable for commercial toilet partitioning. Design adapts to gravity theory allowing the hinge to self close based on the weight of the door using specially desig ...

Self Close Hinges

Self Close Hinges 2015-06-04 09:29:52

1. Suitable for commercial toilet partitioning. Design adapts to gravity theory allowing the hinge to self close based on the weight of the door using specially desig ...

Stainless Steel Self Closing Hinges

Stainless Steel Self Closing Hinges 2015-06-04 09:30:00

1. Suitable for commercial toilet partitioning. Design adapts to gravity theory allowing the hinge to self close based on the weight of the door using specially desig ...

Self Closing Door Hinge

Self Closing Door Hinge 2015-06-04 09:29:19

1. Suitable for commercial toilet partitioning. Design adapts to gravity theory allowing the hinge to self close based on the weight of the door using specially desig ...