Dry Grease Lubricant 2018-06-11 03:39:40
High pressure resistance Grease Paste * Stable performance under extreme conditions. * Good agglutinate ability. * Extreme reducing the building of fretting corros ...
Lubricating Grease 2018-06-11 03:39:01
Grease Paste for non ferrous metal * Good water resistance. * Very high pressure resistance. * Well adhesive strength on various material. * Extreme smooth grease ...
Graphite Grease Lubricant 2018-06-11 03:39:29
Grease Paste Especially for Chucks * Good performance under extreme conditions. * High adhesive strength. * Extreme reducing the building of fretting corrosion. ...
Lubricant Grease 2018-06-11 03:39:17
Good water resistance Grease Paste * Constant performance under extreme conditions. * High agglutinate ability. * Extreme reducing the building of fretting corrosi ...