PhosphoBLOCKER™ Blocking Reagent 2022-01-20 08:21:54
Protein phosphorylation-dephosphorylation is one of the major signaling mechanisms for modulating the functional properties of proteins involved in gene expression, cell adhesion, cell cycle, ce ...
Basal Medium MCDB 201 2022-01-20 08:15:54
General Information: Basal Medium MCDB 201 is specifically formulated for the cultivation of chick fibroblasts in accordance with the formulation by McKeehan and Ham. Supplement with growth fac ...
Nitroso irbesartan 2022-01-19 10:28:29
Nitroso Irbesartan falls under the category of Impurities and belongs to the Irbesartan family having Molecular Weight 457.54 and Molecular Formula Molecular Formula : C25 ...
PureCol® Type I Collagen Solution 2022-01-14 15:27:14
PureCol® collagen is known as the standard of all collagens for purity (>99.9% collagen content), functionality, and the most native-like collagen available. PureCol® is isolated f ...
Precast gel 2022-01-14 11:30:13
Visualize Bands in 2 Minutes. All nUView precast gels incorporate a unique formulation allowing protein bands to be visualized in only 2 minutes in the presence of ultr ...