PhosphoBLOCKER™ Blocking Reagent
Item No.: | AKR-104 |
Supplier Details
Country: Taiwan
State: N/A
City: Taipei
Address: 12F.-1, No.179, Yongji Rd., Sinyi Dist.
TEL: +886-2-27489697
Fax: +886-2-82924210

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Protein phosphorylation-dephosphorylation is one of the major signaling mechanisms for modulating the
functional properties of proteins involved in gene expression, cell adhesion, cell cycle, cell proliferation,
and differentiation. Proteins can be phosphorylated by protein kinases on specific serine, threonine, or
tyrosine residues. The utilization of anti-phosphoprotein antibodies in western blotting has become a
commonly used tool for signal transduction research. Unfortunately, low levels of endogenous
phosphoprotein in various cell lysates often can not be detected, even with high concentrations of
antibody and long exposure times. Most commercially available western blot blockers (e.g. dry milk,
serum) are sufficient to block the unreacted sites on the membrane, reducing the amount of nonspecific
antibody binding during the assay; however, they are not designed to preserve phosphoprotein antigens
during blotting.
Cell Biolabs’ PhosphoBLOCKER™ contains a proprietary formulation that provides several advantages
over conventional blockers:
• Designed specifically for phosphoprotein blotting
• Enhances low level phosphoprotein signal without increasing background
• Premixed dry blend, easy to use