HVOF Spray 2016-07-26 15:14:43
<Nickel Cobalt Chromium Aluminum Yttrium (NiCoCrAlY) Coating> Superalloy components subjected to hot corrosion environments are commonly protected by metallic coati ...
HVOF Coating Process 2016-07-26 15:14:42
<Cobalt Nickel Chromium Aluminum Yttrium (CoNiCrAlY) Coating> Thermally sprayed coatings have been widely applied in industrial components. One of the most critical ...
High Velocity Oxygen Fuel Coating 2016-07-26 15:14:41
<Nickel Chromium Aluminum Yttrium (NiCrAlY) Alloy Coating> NiCrAlY alloys are common thermal spray coating materials known for their excellent resistance to oxidati ...
HVOF Spray Coating 2016-07-26 15:14:36
<Iron Chromium Aluminum Yttrium (FeCrAlY) Alloy Coating> The excellent performance of the FeCrAlY alloy is from the property to generate a protective oxide layer th ...