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Dari : 2009-12-20
To : 2011-12-15
Kuantitas : Much
Jenis : Urgent Purchase
Rincian pemasok
wonder CO., LTD
Showroom online : 1 Produk
Bamboo clothing can promote the growth of the far-infrared activation of human water molecules, activation of cells, to improve the human microcirculation system, promote human metabolism, exhaust and moisture accumulation in the human body are easy to follow the circulation and metabolism in vitro, a long time down the already acidic aging physical adjustment back the skin becomes shiny and bright. Compulsory quality checks are instituted from conceptualization till the final stage of product manufacturing, enabling us to keep our high standards.
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dirancang dan dibuat oleh tenaga profesional sesuai dengan standar internasional industri. Kami juga terus berusaha untuk merevisi kebijakan kami sehingga kami dapat menyediakan pelanggan kami dengan produk yang sangat canggih di saku ramah harga.