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Unipattern Headquarter is located in the medical college building of ISU University. It's also the headquarter of E-United group.
Founded in 2001 as a subsidiary company of E-UNITED GROUP, UniPattern has developed document management and classification related applications based on Data Mining、Text Mining and AI core technologies to provide more intelligent solutions for enterpise application systems. Innovation, Responsibility, Growth and Sustaining are the four management ideas built since the company initiation, and Continuing Innovation, Steady Growth, Full Responsibility and Sustain Practice are its development targets.
Contact Detail
County: | Taiwan |
City: | 高雄市 |
Address: | 824 高雄市燕巢區角宿里義大路6號8樓 |
Tel: | +886-7-6156988 |
Fax: | +886-7-6156909 |
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