Vacuum Packer
Item No.: | Quick 250 Nozzle type |
Supplier Details
Country: United States
City: USA
Address: CA91789
TEL: +909-909-12344321
Fax: +909-909-12344321

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Technical Data

Quick 250 was design to handle variety bag size from small bag to very large bag with 100”(250mm) seal bar length and equip with special seal wire protection design to keep seal wire use in long term not easy broken. We also accept customerize design upon customer demand and have several type of machines such as titling, horizontal, vertical can fit with variety type of industrial. Bag clamp is optional to handle very wide bag. 4 free caster is standard and allow customer move it to any reachable area.

Quick 250 was design to handle variety bag size from small bag to very large bag with 100”(250mm) seal bar length and equip with special seal wire protection design to keep seal wire use in long term not easy broken. We also accept customerize design upon customer demand and have several type of machines such as titling, horizontal, vertical can fit with variety type of industrial. Bag clamp is optional to handle very wide bag. 4 free caster is standard and allow customer move it to any reachable area.