Thunnus maccoyii
Item No.: | maccoyii-1 |
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Country: Taiwan
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34 Products
Scientific name: Thunnus maccoyii
Common name: Southern Bluefin Tuna
The unmistakable and delightful flavor of toro seduces most consumers once they try it. The cool, meaty texture of raw tuna combines with the fat of the belly to create a buttery sensation in the mouth, with the flesh of the tuna melting as you eat it. Toro is often used in sashimi and nigiri sushi, because the delicate flavor, outstanding texture, and beautiful marbling are clearly distinguishable in these two raw fish dishes.
1. Ingredient: Southern Bluefin Tuna Akami
2. Color: scarlet
3. Made in Tuna-House TAIWAN.
Common name: Southern Bluefin Tuna
The unmistakable and delightful flavor of toro seduces most consumers once they try it. The cool, meaty texture of raw tuna combines with the fat of the belly to create a buttery sensation in the mouth, with the flesh of the tuna melting as you eat it. Toro is often used in sashimi and nigiri sushi, because the delicate flavor, outstanding texture, and beautiful marbling are clearly distinguishable in these two raw fish dishes.
1. Ingredient: Southern Bluefin Tuna Akami
2. Color: scarlet
3. Made in Tuna-House TAIWAN.