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Polymeric Thickener - DP-225

Polymeric Thickener

Item No.: DP-225
Supplier Details
Country: Taiwan
City: Tai-Chung
Address: 22 Tun 6th St., Youth Industrial Park, Ta-Chia
TEL: +886-4-26817746
Fax: +886-4-26820299
Online Showroom: 16 Products
Thickener DP-225 is a synthetic thickener containing 2-Acrylamido-2-methyl-propane sulfonic acid sodium salt (AMPS) copolymers dispersed in a paraffin solvent and is developed for water based polymer products and polar organic solvents such as ethylene glycol, propylene glycol and glycerol. This product provides remarkable thickening power between pH 2 and pH 12, very good mechanical stability and electrolyte resistance. It is especially suitable for product systems which poly-acrylic acid thickeners are not capable for the application requirements. The product can be used directly and does not require the addition of ammonia or other alkali to the system.

Thickener DP-225 has the following benefits:
  1. Extremely easy to use and highly efficient
  2. High electrolyte resistance
  3. Good thickener for polar solvents
  4. Excellent workability
  5. Effective over a wide pH range

Typical Physical Properties
  1. Appearance: Creamy liquid
  2. Solids: 46.0 ± 1.0%
  3. pH: 8.0 ± 1.0
  4. Specific gravity: 1.22
  5. Viscosity: 30,000 ± 10,000 (Brookfield, RVT, #6, 5 rpm)

Method of Use and Example
Water or solvent is added to the pre-weighed DP-225 with gentle agitation to prepare a thickener stock. The results of two examples are shown in the following table:


D.I. Water

Propylene Glycol

DP-225 (w/w %)



Solvent (w/w %)



Viscosity (Brookfield, RVT,#6,5rpm)

60,000 cps

80,000 cps

*This example is for reference. The formulation should be adjusted to the product requirement.
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Polymeric Thickener

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