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Thermal-forming Epoxy Resin - 7-2

Thermal-forming Epoxy Resin

Item No.: 7-2
Supplier Details
Country: Taiwan
City: Taipei
Address: Room1007, 10F, No.96, Sec.2. Chung Shan N. Rd.
TEL: +886-2-25637700
Fax: +886-2-25675533
Online Showroom: 33 Products
To fulfill the demand for thermoplastic type of product, Pacific is proud to introduce the new product series: Thermal-formal Epoxy System - the PRM-TF Series. The PRM-TF Series is a thermal forming epoxy resin system, which is modified to have characteristics as thermal plastics at forming temperature. The composites formed by PRM-TF Series not only remain the same advantages such as mechanical properties and fatigue resistance as thermosetting epoxy, but also have good ability on impact performance that is similar to thermal plastics. Composite reforming is possible.

We offer 2 different types of thermoset epoxy resin systems, including:
1. PRM-TF-01 Series:
 Features:
1. Transparent appearance especially for woven components
2. Solution type resin system
3. Easy to process
4. Designed for hot press moulding 
5. Tg ≧90℃
 Physical Properties:
1. Flexural Strength (0∘) = 486 MPa
2. Flexural Modulus (0∘) = 57  Gpa
3. SBS(Short Beam Shear Strength) = 54 MPa

 Testing Condition: 
1. Fiber Volume: 55%, 2/2 Twill Style Fabric
2. Test Curing/Forming Condition: 180℃/10 minutes + 230℃/1 minute
3. Test Condition: ASTM Standard

2. PRM-TF-03 Series:
 Features:
1. Transparent appearance especially for woven components
2. Solution type resin system
3. Easy to process
4. Designed for hot press moulding 
5. Tg ≧120℃

We have been successful in establishing our brand and sale to the international market due to our excellent quality and service of

Thermal-forming Epoxy Resin

. Delivering the best quality products conforming to the cultural needs of the client is the ultimate goal of us.