Sushi marlin
Item No.: | marlin |
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Country: Taiwan
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Scientific name: Makaira nigricans
English name: Pacific blue marlin
The marlin are found year-round in tropical oceanic waters of the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific. It is highly migratory and has exhibited transequatorial and transatlantic movements, and it prefers the warm mixed layer above the thermocline.
1. Ingredient: marlin
2. Color: white
3. Made in Tuna-House TAIWAN.
English name: Pacific blue marlin
The marlin are found year-round in tropical oceanic waters of the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific. It is highly migratory and has exhibited transequatorial and transatlantic movements, and it prefers the warm mixed layer above the thermocline.
1. Ingredient: marlin
2. Color: white
3. Made in Tuna-House TAIWAN.