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SMET BOX, anti para tuberculose - S13509

SMET BOX, anti para tuberculose

Item No.: S13509
Supplier Details
Country: Turkey
TEL: 90-9 0212 886 71 49
Online Showroom: 1 Products

The SMET box kills all para tuberculose bacteria up to 150 m in the stable and in the cows to reach an almost clinical free herd

The SMET box contains 8 LED lights that burn with a frequence of 25 Herz a few seconds every hour and a few minutes, ca. 23 times per day. This kills after a while all para tuberculose (para tbc) Johne´s  disease bacteria in the stable and in the cows up to 150 m. The result is quickly an almost clinical free herd of para tbc, Johne´s disease.

This ofcourse saves lots of cows, money, time, care and stress! No need to do anything extra, no extra hygienical procedures, nothing. Even if the herd is free of para tbc or Johne´s disease it is better and economic to place the SMET box.

At the moment we are working on the same proces of killing Stafylococus Aureus and Bacteria that cause Dermatitis between the hoofs.


Left is just a summary of the most important practical things:

  • SMET box kills most of the bacteria that cause para tbc or Johne´s disease up to 150m.
  • Place the box 2,5-3m high
  • Spread the 8 LED lights that it covers the floor over the whole stable
  • Check frequently if all is OK
  • Replace the 9 volt alkaline battery on time (half year)
  • No need to make other costs or special hygienical care

References: In our herd Impact Dairy Farm s.r.o. in Czech Republic we lost in 2009 40-50 first lactation cows because of the para tbc or Johne´s disease. It was terrible. Very quickly declining condition, dark diarree with air bubbles, drying milkproduction, no volume, rough hair, stressed, etc. Ending up with death. We did not think of para tbc because years ago it was proven not to be.

In the end we tested the disease on all animals with blood and manur. The young stock was almost completely infected.

We bought 4 SMET boxes in February 2010 and placed 2 in the 2 cow barns, 1 at the heifers and 1 at the calves up to 4 months. Immediately the next day the cows felt calm and happy. As if they feel the bacteria is killed for a large part. In a few weeks already there occured almost no new cows with para tbc and even some recovered the disease. Now 1 year later we have no clinical para tbc or Johne´s disease.

Some farmers say they have less mastitis, but we have not, but we never have.

We have been successful in establishing our brand and sale to the international market due to our excellent quality and service of

SMET BOX, anti para tuberculose

. Delivering the best quality products conforming to the cultural needs of the client is the ultimate goal of us.