Laser Etching Process
Item No.: | Laser Cutting Model Making-1 |
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Country: Taiwan
City: New Taipei City 241
Address: No.33 Aly.21, Ln.193, Zhongzheng N.Rd., Sanchong Dist.
TEL: +886-2-29852688
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"Laser" occurs when the heat from the beam hits the surface of the object and causes it starts to melt.
The laser uses high heat to melt the surface of the object.
It can apply any icons or patterns on the surface.
You can use laser to clean cut edges without burr or dust.
Laser etching can be used to create fancy works.
Many companies use laser to show their logo or name on their own product as a symbol of uniqueness.
The laser uses high heat to melt the surface of the object.
It can apply any icons or patterns on the surface.
You can use laser to clean cut edges without burr or dust.
Laser etching can be used to create fancy works.
Many companies use laser to show their logo or name on their own product as a symbol of uniqueness.