Power Tool Accessories-5
Item No.: | T-SERIES-05 |
Supplier Details
Country: Taiwan
City: Taichung City 41144
Address: No. 450, Sec. 2, Yongping Rd., Taiping Dist.
TEL: +886-4-22753638
Fax: +886-4-22753079

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General specification of T-SERIES-05:
None of the parts pictured are in stock or for sale. These are all examples of custom-manufactured products that illustrate Jotex Rubber Corp.'s capabilities.
We manufacture a range of power tool accessories and are able to help design and cut any size or shape from your measurements, a drawing or existing sample.
The contents of this specification can change per your own specific requirements. We design and manufacture custom shapes and develop specialty materials to deliver a performance advantage. Request for quotation now!
General specification of T-SERIES-05:
- Rubber material: EPDM
- Color Black
- Electric insulation with contact prevention (electrical and high-voltage contacts are covered)
- Withstand voltage: AC1250 V/min
None of the parts pictured are in stock or for sale. These are all examples of custom-manufactured products that illustrate Jotex Rubber Corp.'s capabilities.
We manufacture a range of power tool accessories and are able to help design and cut any size or shape from your measurements, a drawing or existing sample.
The contents of this specification can change per your own specific requirements. We design and manufacture custom shapes and develop specialty materials to deliver a performance advantage. Request for quotation now!