High Impact Polystyrene Sheet
Item No.: | sheet-4 |
Supplier Details
Country: Taiwan
City: Kaohsiung
Address: No.534, Sec. 2, Jhongjheng Rd., Hunei Dist., Kaohsiung City 82947, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
TEL: +886-7-6908022
Fax: +886-7-6907807

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Detailed Description Of polystyrene ps sheet
1. Translucent nature of good.
2. Acid nature of good.
3. Good Plasticity.
4. Easy to to facilitate processing.
PS sheet is called "organic sheet", and its chemical name is Polystyrene (PS), it is a kind of non-crystalline thermoplastic resin with the features of colorless, odourless, tasteless and luster, light, water absorption, low price and good pigment ability & chemical stability, excellent electrical insulation and high insulation is preferred, have certain impact resistance and weather resistance, ageing resistance and good pervious to general chemical corrosion, price is cheaper than acrylic.
We manufacture and supply polystyrene sheet of thickness from1.5mm to 6mm, with excellent durability and physical resistance and good chemical resistance.
1. Translucent nature of good.
2. Acid nature of good.
3. Good Plasticity.
4. Easy to to facilitate processing.
PS sheet is called "organic sheet", and its chemical name is Polystyrene (PS), it is a kind of non-crystalline thermoplastic resin with the features of colorless, odourless, tasteless and luster, light, water absorption, low price and good pigment ability & chemical stability, excellent electrical insulation and high insulation is preferred, have certain impact resistance and weather resistance, ageing resistance and good pervious to general chemical corrosion, price is cheaper than acrylic.
We manufacture and supply polystyrene sheet of thickness from1.5mm to 6mm, with excellent durability and physical resistance and good chemical resistance.