POS System Security
Item No.: | POS System-4 |
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Point of Sales (POS) Security
The information security event of POS system attacking is not uncommon. Hackers steal customers' personal info or credit card information through invading the system. Because the invasion may not influence the operation of system, administrators always find something wrong after customers' loss. Only rely on software may not be able to prevent the malicious attack, so 's solution built-in the hardware encryption chip in the system and to certify with the Certification Information Management System. The encryption technology that integrated hardware and soft ware provides a best protection for POS system.
The information security event of POS system attacking is not uncommon. Hackers steal customers' personal info or credit card information through invading the system. Because the invasion may not influence the operation of system, administrators always find something wrong after customers' loss. Only rely on software may not be able to prevent the malicious attack, so 's solution built-in the hardware encryption chip in the system and to certify with the Certification Information Management System. The encryption technology that integrated hardware and soft ware provides a best protection for POS system.