Surface Finishing Process
Item No.: | Surface Treatment Process-2 |
Supplier Details
Country: Taiwan
City: New Taipei City 241
Address: No.33 Aly.21, Ln.193, Zhongzheng N.Rd., Sanchong Dist.
TEL: +886-2-29852688
Fax: +886-2-29852259

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offers wide range of services
Our professional finishing lab
has its own professional in-house finishing experts to assist you to realize your design. Li-Wei team engineers' mature experience and skill plus the smooth cooperation with different manufacturers make us to be more successful to achieve any challenges from all kinds of design concepts.
- Anodizing
- Electro Plating
- Vacuum Metallization
- Transparent tinted Acrylic
- Diamond cut
- Hairline
- Spin
- Chemical Etching
- Hot Stamping
- Soft goods &wearable accessories
- Leather & fabric finish
Our professional finishing lab
has its own professional in-house finishing experts to assist you to realize your design. Li-Wei team engineers' mature experience and skill plus the smooth cooperation with different manufacturers make us to be more successful to achieve any challenges from all kinds of design concepts.