Nitrogen FIX Mineral Fertilisers
Item No.: | N67399 |
Supplier Details
Country: Switzerland
City: Genova
Address: Rue De East 1
TEL: 0041-76-3168177
Fax: 0041-76-3168177
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1 Products
Nitrogen FIX, the liquid substitute of urea and mineral fertilisers.
Nitrogen FIX is the no residual and organic alternative to the urea and other mineral fertilisers. The properties of this product (high asimility of the nutritions for the crop by reason of its vegetal origen, fixing nitrogen of the air like a leguminose and a complete composition of macro-and microelements) makes posible to sustitute with one liter of Nitrogen-FIX until 200 kgs of urea or mineral fertilisers. More than 10 years of experience make us sure that on one hand side the user of Nitrogen FIX has a better rentability (less costs of transportation, less costs of storage, less costs of manipulation, no costs for repairing of contaminated soil and ground water, less price than mineral fertilisers) and on the other hand side to offer no residual products in the consumer market. The storage in optimium conditions permit the use of Nitrogen FIX during 5 - 7 years.
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