Network Security Advantages
Item No.: | NAE580/581 |
Supplier Details
Country: Taiwan
City: New Taipei City 231
Address: 8F, No. 4, Lane 235, Baoqiao Road, Xindian District
TEL: +886-2-29174550
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32 Products
VPN Acceleration NIC Module
Intell® QuickAssist Technology Capability (Gbps) up to 50G
IPSec (Gbps) up to 43G
SSL (Gbps) up to 49G
Compression (Gbps) up to 20G
RSA Decrypt 1k-bit key (ops/sec) up to 165K
RSA Decrypt 2k-bit key (ops/sec) up to 35K
Thermal Design Power 20W (Watt)
PCI Express Gen 2.0 Endpoint x16 (NAE581), x8 (NAE580)
Available Models: NA570, NA580, NA850, NA860
The NAE580/581 is a high performance VPN acceleration NIC module with Intell® 8950 chipset (called Coleto Creek). The 89XX chipset provides hardware-based acceleration technology (Intel® QuickAssist Technology) in off-loading crypto/decrypto. It's ideal for high-end security appliances, such as network optimization appliance, VPN, UTM and NGFW (Next Generation Firewall).
IPSec (Gbps) up to 43G
SSL (Gbps) up to 49G
Compression (Gbps) up to 20G
RSA Decrypt 1k-bit key (ops/sec) up to 165K
RSA Decrypt 2k-bit key (ops/sec) up to 35K
Thermal Design Power 20W (Watt)
PCI Express Gen 2.0 Endpoint x16 (NAE581), x8 (NAE580)
Available Models: NA570, NA580, NA850, NA860
The NAE580/581 is a high performance VPN acceleration NIC module with Intell® 8950 chipset (called Coleto Creek). The 89XX chipset provides hardware-based acceleration technology (Intel® QuickAssist Technology) in off-loading crypto/decrypto. It's ideal for high-end security appliances, such as network optimization appliance, VPN, UTM and NGFW (Next Generation Firewall).