Mobile Signature
Item No.: | Mobile Security-4 |
Supplier Details
Country: Taiwan
City: Taiwan (R.O.C)
Address: 11F-1, No. 16, Chien-pa Rd., Chung-he Dist., New Taipei City 235
TEL: +886-2-82265163
Fax: +886-2-82265181

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In the mobility age, limited by e-sign on desktops has been gradually inadequate. Because some managers who have signing authority will not always stay in front of desk, the signing process often stagnates by waiting for approval of someone. mobile security solution provides a mobile signature tool for variety major mobile platforms, allows users e-sign on mobile devices. In addition to the establishment of security management system, we can provide a hardware security module on mobile device to authenticate the user's identity. Multiple security mechanisms to ensure its safe to use.