Secure Mobile Payments
Item No.: | Mobile Security-3 |
Supplier Details
Country: Taiwan
City: Taiwan (R.O.C)
Address: 11F-1, No. 16, Chien-pa Rd., Chung-he Dist., New Taipei City 235
TEL: +886-2-82265163
Fax: +886-2-82265181

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32 Products
Mobile Payment
Mobile payment application allows smart phones become a payment tool. We don't need to always carry credit card or cash to make payment. The virtual payment tool makes life more convenient. mobile security solution integrates the authentication secure chip that embedded secure element. It supports variety encryption algorithms such as AES, RSA, ECC or SM1~4, etc, so meets all security criteria of international and China area.
Mobile payment application allows smart phones become a payment tool. We don't need to always carry credit card or cash to make payment. The virtual payment tool makes life more convenient. mobile security solution integrates the authentication secure chip that embedded secure element. It supports variety encryption algorithms such as AES, RSA, ECC or SM1~4, etc, so meets all security criteria of international and China area.