Soft Lure
Item No.: | 60-621 |
Supplier Details
Country: Taiwan
City: Tainan City 701
Address: 1F., No. 13, Ln. 163, Yufeng St., East Dist.
TEL: +886-6-2751168
Fax: +886-6-2752228

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91 Products
Artificial Soft Drop shot
- Paddle tail drop shot .
- UV active
- size 75mm and 10mm available
- 12 colors available
- Made of Eco-Friendly Phthalate free material.
- Soft flexible and durable provides life like swim action
- 12 excellent real fish colors
- Ideal for both fresh and salt water fishing.
- Blister card packed
- Competitive price
- Un-rigged lose version is available.