Mini Jig
Item No.: | 60-555 |
Supplier Details
Country: Taiwan
City: Tainan City 701
Address: 1F., No. 13, Ln. 163, Yufeng St., East Dist.
TEL: +886-6-2751168
Fax: +886-6-2752228

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91 Products
- Intergrated jig head with flexible paddle tail which performs a lifelike moving action.
- Tough and tear-resistance material with sharp corrosion resistance hook
- Heavy lead block inside make a good balance and a longer distance casting.
- Mini. Size 3.5cm/2g, 5.5cm/6g
- 5 Real fish like colors are available
- A simple nature bait at economic cost ideal for fresh and saltwater fishing.
- Foil bag packed for long time storage.