Logistics Security
Item No.: | IoT Security_3 |
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City: TAIWAN(R.O.C.)
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Through the technology of big data, IoT and Internet, Industry 4.0 make the supply chain, producing process and logistics that connecting together. The production will be fully automated, so the logistics must be implemented information networks. Nowadays, global network provides logistics informatization a favorable information environment because the great popularity and availability of network resource. Logistics informatization means distributor center communicates with whether suppliers, manufacturers or customers totally by networks.
Fully informatization also brings the information security threats. The higher the extent of informatization, the information security is more important. 's IoT security solutions can prevent the hackers implant viruses to steal the confidential information through the hardware encryption device and backend encryption system. Avoid logistics or productions suffer the losses because of an error or interrupt of information transfer caused by malicious attack.
Fully informatization also brings the information security threats. The higher the extent of informatization, the information security is more important. 's IoT security solutions can prevent the hackers implant viruses to steal the confidential information through the hardware encryption device and backend encryption system. Avoid logistics or productions suffer the losses because of an error or interrupt of information transfer caused by malicious attack.