Key Options
Item No.: | Key Options |
Supplier Details
Country: Taiwan
City: Kaohsiung City 833
Address: No. 73, Meishan Rd., Niaosong Dist.
TEL: +886-7-7328566
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40 Products
OneLus has a variety of key type and key head for different requirement. OneLus has a RD team to customize per customer demand. Most of our keys have the security card which means the key only can be made and copied upon presentation of the security card to the company or supplier who has the blanks and the necessary machinery.
- Master key system
- Pin tumbler key
- Telescopic pin key
- Dual mechanism key (Telescope & Wave)
- Wavy key
- Cross key
- Key with LED light
- Key with special angle
- Reversible key with nickel silver finish.
- Key duplication control and security card provided.
- Option for personalized plastic key heads and embosomed on it.
- Top quality material of the key with high strength and wear-resisting.
- Special angle of side key which raise the security.