UV Jacket
Item No.: | SJL001 |
Supplier Details
Country: Taiwan
City: Chiayi City 600
Address: 1F., No. 2, Ln. 233, Sec. 2, Shixian Rd., West Dist.
TEL: +886-5-2837589
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Women's functional fabric UV protective breathable quick-drying coat(UV Jacket)
The use of technology function fabric, to achieve the outer layer of permanent sun protection, the inner layer of condensation cool feeling, moisture absorption and perspiration, efficient breathability .... A number of functions, such as elegant design, duck tongue hat edge deepened and widened, sunscreen mask to prevent the loss of ear hooks, ponytail through the design to facilitate the wearing of the hat, jump color belt, curved three-dimensional, thumb through the cuffs and gloves, to meet the function of a multi-purpose clothes.
The use of technology function fabric, to achieve the outer layer of permanent sun protection, the inner layer of condensation cool feeling, moisture absorption and perspiration, efficient breathability .... A number of functions, such as elegant design, duck tongue hat edge deepened and widened, sunscreen mask to prevent the loss of ear hooks, ponytail through the design to facilitate the wearing of the hat, jump color belt, curved three-dimensional, thumb through the cuffs and gloves, to meet the function of a multi-purpose clothes.