iOS Fingerprint Security
Item No.: | iOS Security-1 |
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Country: Taiwan
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Address: 11F-1, No. 16, Chien-pa Rd., Chung-he Dist., New Taipei City 235
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32 Products
iOS & PC Fingerprint Encryption Key
iOS & PC Fingerprint Encryption Key is a new generation of encryption key for cross-platform between Windows and iOS. Not only an iOS OTG disk but also a data encryption key for iPhone/iPad and PC. It can encrypt any files of iPhone/iPad and PC. The encryption key is also able to be partition for normal area and protected area. Any files stores in protected area are protected by encryption. The fingerprint function is the ability for replacing password and opening the protected area. Unregistered fingerprint is not able to open protected area and access data. The secure level is higher than other products.
iOS & PC Fingerprint Encryption Key is a new generation of encryption key for cross-platform between Windows and iOS. Not only an iOS OTG disk but also a data encryption key for iPhone/iPad and PC. It can encrypt any files of iPhone/iPad and PC. The encryption key is also able to be partition for normal area and protected area. Any files stores in protected area are protected by encryption. The fingerprint function is the ability for replacing password and opening the protected area. Unregistered fingerprint is not able to open protected area and access data. The secure level is higher than other products.