iOS Fingerprint Authentication
Item No.: | iOS Security-2 |
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iOS Fingerprint Certification Key
iOS Fingerprint Certification Key is an external storage device for iPhone iPad. The key built-in secure element and conforms the certification of FIPS 140-2 Level 3 and Common Criteria EAL5+. They key also can access control by Pincord verification and supports X.509 Certificate features and PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) mechanism. It supports fingerprint authentication and verification function. Ensure the owner is himself by registering and identify fingerprint. Certification Key is for cross-platform between Windows, iOS and Android.
iOS Fingerprint Certification Key is an external storage device for iPhone iPad. The key built-in secure element and conforms the certification of FIPS 140-2 Level 3 and Common Criteria EAL5+. They key also can access control by Pincord verification and supports X.509 Certificate features and PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) mechanism. It supports fingerprint authentication and verification function. Ensure the owner is himself by registering and identify fingerprint. Certification Key is for cross-platform between Windows, iOS and Android.