Inverter Fog Machine Application Notes
Item No.: | 6-3 |
Supplier Details
Country: Taiwan
City: Taichung
Address: 30-2, 31Th RD. Taichung Ind. Dist.
TEL: +886-4-23588168
Fax: +886-4-23588598

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Fog Machine in a variety of industries can have different applications:
Timber industry:
wet, cleaning, reduce the amount of dust in the air.
cool, to prevent static electricity, surface coating treatment, reduce emissions, reduce dust.
Automotive industry:
cooling, cleaning the finished surface coating processing, coating interface treatment, paint wet to
prevent dust.
Chemical industry:
temperature and humidity control, waste gas treatment, cooling the reactor to prevent overheating
reactions cause a fire or explosion hazard.
Environmental industry:
for when wet dosing disinfection work environment to prevent fugitive dust or odor, temperature
and humidity control.
Medical industry:
Wash and disinfect epidemic prevention work environment.
Refrigeration and air conditioning industry:
temperature and humidity regulation
Photographic industry:
etching and wet cleaning operations.
Timber industry:
wet, cleaning, reduce the amount of dust in the air.
cool, to prevent static electricity, surface coating treatment, reduce emissions, reduce dust.
Automotive industry:
cooling, cleaning the finished surface coating processing, coating interface treatment, paint wet to
prevent dust.
Chemical industry:
temperature and humidity control, waste gas treatment, cooling the reactor to prevent overheating
reactions cause a fire or explosion hazard.
Environmental industry:
for when wet dosing disinfection work environment to prevent fugitive dust or odor, temperature
and humidity control.
Medical industry:
Wash and disinfect epidemic prevention work environment.
Refrigeration and air conditioning industry:
temperature and humidity regulation
Photographic industry:
etching and wet cleaning operations.