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Inverted Microscope - MI12

Inverted Microscope

Item No.: MI12
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Inverted Microscope MI12 is equipped with long working distances plan achromatic objectives and wide field eyepieces, you can use long working distance phase contrast objectives and special long working distance condenser with phase contrast unit when inverted observation. The microscope has clear image, wide field, compact framework, beautility sculpt and comfortable operation etc.

MI12 mainly applied to observe the living cell and tissue, liquid and deposits etc, also to observe transparent living without staining and fluorescence slice up.

MI12 is the ideal instrument for researching in biology, cells cytology, oncology,genetics, immunology etc. The microscope can be used for scientific researching, medicaltreatment, epidemic prevention and animal husbandry etc.


Technical data
1. Magnification:100X-640X;
2. Main Body: Fixed platform,all-in-one body, Inside halogen lamp: 6V 30W with brightness control;
3. Eyepiece: Wide field eyepiece WF10X/20(F.N)/pair;
4. Objective: Long working distance plan achromatic objectives


LPL 10X/0.25  W.D=7.9mm

LPL 25X/0.40  W.D=5mm
LPL 40X/0.65  W.D=3mm
Long working distance plan phase contrast objective
LPL Ph+ 25X/0.40   W.D=5mm
25x phase contrast ring plate
5. Focusing Adjustment: Coaxial coarse/fine focusing with inhibiting device and locking device; focusing route: 10mm, fine focusing scale: 0.002mm,low-post knop to operate;
6,Eyepiece Tube:Hinged trinocular with 45° inclination and 20/80 light splitting. synchronous observation and taking photos .

7,Nosepiece: Quadruple, ball bearing inner locating and mildew proof device

8,Stage: moveable mechanical stage

9,Condenser:Ultra long working distance Condenser N.A.0.35,W.D.45/102mm, which can be applied on the observation of large culture flask.
10,Phase Contras: 25X ,various objestive preset cores. Quite easy to use, for no need adjustment before phase contras abservation.


Standard configuration


Wide field WF10X(field number:¦µ22mm) 

Centering telescope

Infinity and long working distance plan achromatic objective


PLL 10X0.25 Work distance:4.3 mm£¬Cover glass thickness:1.2mm.

PLL 20X0.40 Work distance:8.0 mm£¬Cover glass thickness:1.2mm.

PLL 40X0.65  Work distance:3.5 mm£¬Cover glass thickness:1.2mm.

Phase Contrast Objective

PLL 10X0.25 PHP2 Work distance:4.3 mm£¬Cover glass thickness:1.2mm.

Eyepiece tube

Inclination angle is 45˚ and interpupillary distance is 53~75mm.

Focus system

Coaxial coarse/fine focus, with tension adjustable and up stop minimum division of fine focusing is 2μm.


Quintuple nosepiece


Fixed stage overall size is 227mmX208mm

Glass rotundity stage overall size is Ф118mm

Mechanical moving device, moving range is 77mm (longitudinal)X114mm (transverse)

Culture dish holder 1

Inside locating slot size: 86mm (W)X129.5mm (L), optional with a circular culture dish Ф87.5mm

Culture dish holder 2

Inside locating slot size: 34mm (W)X77.5mm (L), optional with a circular culture dish Ф68.5mm

Culture dish holder 3

Inside locating slot size::57mm (W)X82mm (L)

Condenser system

Long working distance condenser, working distance: 55mm, and with turnplate phase contrast unit

Illumination system

6V30W halogen, brightness enable control


Frosted glass and blue , green filter


Optional accessories


Sort/Technique parameter


Dividing eyepiece(field number:¦µ22mm)    0.10mm/Div

Phase Contrast Objective

PL L20X/0.40 PHP2 Work distance:8.0 mm

PL L40X/0.60 PHP2 Work distance:3.5 mm


Hexad nosepiece

Digital camera



Camera adapter

Canon, Nikon, Olympus SLR etc.


Note: "●"In Table Is Standard Attachment. "○" Is Optional Accessories.
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