Internet Of Things IOT Applications
Item No.: | 8-3 |
Supplier Details
Country: Taiwan
City: New Taipei City 235
Address: 6F., No.337-3, Yonghe Rd., Zhonghe Dist.
TEL: +886-02-22286497
Fax: +886-02-22287865

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33 Products
Internet of Vehicle Appliance Device and App
◎ Industrial Waterproof Hand-Held Device: Application Specific Mobile Phone, Tablet, OBD-II
◎ Positioning: GPS/GLONASS/Beido
◎ Network: WiFi, Bluetooth, 3G/4G LTE
◎ Vehicle Communication Protocol: CAN Bus
◎ Excellent Harsh Climate Support
◎ Industrial Waterproof Hand-Held Device: Application Specific Mobile Phone, Tablet, OBD-II
◎ Positioning: GPS/GLONASS/Beido
◎ Network: WiFi, Bluetooth, 3G/4G LTE
◎ Vehicle Communication Protocol: CAN Bus
◎ Excellent Harsh Climate Support