Ceramic Potting Compound
Item No.: | 586 |
Supplier Details
Country: Taiwan
City: Taichung City 428017
Address: No. 12-1, Qiancun E. Rd., Daya Dist.
TEL: +886-4-25685848
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103 Products
Aremco-BondTM 586 High Temp Resistor Potting Compound Now Available
August 23, 2016
Ceramacasttm586, a new high temperature ceramic potting cement developed by Aremco Products, Inc., is a zirconium-silicate based, phosphate-bonded, chemically-setting ceramic compound ideal for bonding and potting high temperature electrical components including power resistors, infrared heaters, cartridge heaters, gas igniters, halogen lamps, and temperature sensors for applications to 2800℉(1535℃).
Ceramacasttm 586 exhibits exceptional electrical and mechanical properties. The dielectric strength and volume resistivity are 125 volts/mil and 109 ohm-cm, respectively. The compressive strength is 8,000 psi and the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) is 2.7(4.9) ppm/℉(℃).
Ceramacasttm586 is supplied as a powder and is mixed with water to a paste-like consistency in a ratio of 100 parts powder to 13-15 parts water by weight. It is easily dispensed through pneumatic dispensing equipment and it provides a one-hour pot life and hardening time of 6-8 hours. A full cure is achieved by step curing for 1-2 hours each at 200℉ and 350℉, respectively, or setting at room temperature for 24 hours. Cured product exhibits a porosity of less than 2% and zero shrinkage. At 1000℉, the shrink rate is less than 0.3%.
Ceramacasttm 586 is supplied from stock in quart, gallon and five gallon pails. It is one of a series of Ceramacasttm products that have been developed for ultra high temperature electrical assembly applications.
August 23, 2016
Ceramacasttm586, a new high temperature ceramic potting cement developed by Aremco Products, Inc., is a zirconium-silicate based, phosphate-bonded, chemically-setting ceramic compound ideal for bonding and potting high temperature electrical components including power resistors, infrared heaters, cartridge heaters, gas igniters, halogen lamps, and temperature sensors for applications to 2800℉(1535℃).
Ceramacasttm 586 exhibits exceptional electrical and mechanical properties. The dielectric strength and volume resistivity are 125 volts/mil and 109 ohm-cm, respectively. The compressive strength is 8,000 psi and the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) is 2.7(4.9) ppm/℉(℃).
Ceramacasttm586 is supplied as a powder and is mixed with water to a paste-like consistency in a ratio of 100 parts powder to 13-15 parts water by weight. It is easily dispensed through pneumatic dispensing equipment and it provides a one-hour pot life and hardening time of 6-8 hours. A full cure is achieved by step curing for 1-2 hours each at 200℉ and 350℉, respectively, or setting at room temperature for 24 hours. Cured product exhibits a porosity of less than 2% and zero shrinkage. At 1000℉, the shrink rate is less than 0.3%.
Ceramacasttm 586 is supplied from stock in quart, gallon and five gallon pails. It is one of a series of Ceramacasttm products that have been developed for ultra high temperature electrical assembly applications.