Electronic Potting Compound
Item No.: | EN-9050 |
Supplier Details
Country: Taiwan
City: Taichung City 428017
Address: No. 12-1, Qiancun E. Rd., Daya Dist.
TEL: +886-4-25685848
Fax: +886-4-25685857

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103 Products
CONATHANE EN-9050 is halogen free based on IEC 61249-2-21
CONATHANE EN-9050 is a filled two-component polyurethane system
designed for use as a potting and encapsulating material for electronic components where critical thermal cycling characteristics are a factor. CONATHANE EN-9050 has excellent electrical properties, low shrinkage, low stress build-up, and can be hand mixed or machine dispensed.
CONATHANE EN-9050 is halogen free based on IEC 61249-2-21
CONATHANE EN-9050 is a filled two-component polyurethane system
designed for use as a potting and encapsulating material for electronic components where critical thermal cycling characteristics are a factor. CONATHANE EN-9050 has excellent electrical properties, low shrinkage, low stress build-up, and can be hand mixed or machine dispensed.