Industry 4.0
Item No.: | POS System_1 |
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City: TAIWAN(R.O.C.)
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Facing the trend of Internet of Things (IoT), industrial applications have begun to integrate a variety of technologies and had a new industrial revolution that is the evolution of industry 4.0. Looking to the future, most manufacturers would like to put in IoT concept of manufacturing technology. The technology that from product development, production and service should be communicated through software and network.
Through the internet to transmit the information, which can enhance the efficiency of product manufacturing, but it also brings information security threats. When the information is transmitting, the user data is easily to be leaked because the people who are interested steal. 's IoT security solutions can encrypt the information before transmitting to other end devices, to achieve the goal of safely information transmission. Through the hardware encryption device and backend encryption system, make the information security problem of Industry 4.0 can be solved.
Through the internet to transmit the information, which can enhance the efficiency of product manufacturing, but it also brings information security threats. When the information is transmitting, the user data is easily to be leaked because the people who are interested steal. 's IoT security solutions can encrypt the information before transmitting to other end devices, to achieve the goal of safely information transmission. Through the hardware encryption device and backend encryption system, make the information security problem of Industry 4.0 can be solved.