Industry 4.0
Item No.: | POS System-1 |
Supplier Details
Country: Taiwan
City: Taiwan (R.O.C)
Address: 11F-1, No. 16, Chien-pa Rd., Chung-he Dist., New Taipei City 235
TEL: +886-2-82265163
Fax: +886-2-82265181

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32 Products
As the development of Internet of Things (IoT), POS system must be more powerful, more connected, smarter and richer to suit Industry 4.0. In the process of manufacturing, the supply chain, production and customer service are fully connected by internet. Transmit information fully through internet to speed up the efficiency of manufacturing and problem response.
In the process of information transmission, there may be a threat of information security. The information may be leakage because of intercepting by hackers. 's solution has the usage of integrated hardware and software. Encrypt the information before transmission and then transmit to the point devices. Our solution can accomplish the object of secure information transmission.
In the process of information transmission, there may be a threat of information security. The information may be leakage because of intercepting by hackers. 's solution has the usage of integrated hardware and software. Encrypt the information before transmission and then transmit to the point devices. Our solution can accomplish the object of secure information transmission.