Personal Authentication
Item No.: | Personal Security-4 |
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Country: Taiwan
City: Taiwan (R.O.C)
Address: 11F-1, No. 16, Chien-pa Rd., Chung-he Dist., New Taipei City 235
TEL: +886-2-82265163
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32 Products
Identity Authentication
From social software (ex. Facebook and Twitter) to search engines (ex. Google and Yahoo), from online shopping (ex. Amazon and Taobao) to cloud storage (ex. Dropbox, Google Drive), the most internet tools that we often use always ask us to register a member. Then we need to log in by account and password. But, only use account and password as identification mechanism is not safe enough. That's why there will be more and more security events about identity theft. personal security solution use the way of building Certification Management System Platform and Authentication Hardware Security Module as encryption protection. Multiple-factor authentication mechanism provides a multiple security protection for users.
From social software (ex. Facebook and Twitter) to search engines (ex. Google and Yahoo), from online shopping (ex. Amazon and Taobao) to cloud storage (ex. Dropbox, Google Drive), the most internet tools that we often use always ask us to register a member. Then we need to log in by account and password. But, only use account and password as identification mechanism is not safe enough. That's why there will be more and more security events about identity theft. personal security solution use the way of building Certification Management System Platform and Authentication Hardware Security Module as encryption protection. Multiple-factor authentication mechanism provides a multiple security protection for users.