Personal Information Security
Item No.: | Personal Security-3 |
Supplier Details
Country: Taiwan
City: Taiwan (R.O.C)
Address: 11F-1, No. 16, Chien-pa Rd., Chung-he Dist., New Taipei City 235
TEL: +886-2-82265163
Fax: +886-2-82265181

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32 Products
Identifying Information Protection
As the expansion of the scope of informatization, whether in our work or daily life we usually store our personal information such as name, birthday, job or contact info into digital data. Even the sensitive privacy such as ID number, passport number, medical record or financial status, most of our information is stored in computers, servers or cloud. If someone stole this information to improperly use them, it may cause serious loss.
personal security solution can provide you highly secure protection. Usage of integration hardware and software as authentication mechanism to ensure you personal information is totally safe.
As the expansion of the scope of informatization, whether in our work or daily life we usually store our personal information such as name, birthday, job or contact info into digital data. Even the sensitive privacy such as ID number, passport number, medical record or financial status, most of our information is stored in computers, servers or cloud. If someone stole this information to improperly use them, it may cause serious loss.
personal security solution can provide you highly secure protection. Usage of integration hardware and software as authentication mechanism to ensure you personal information is totally safe.