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Ginger Extract - 5%

Ginger Extract

Item No.: 5%
Supplier Details
Country: China
State: Guangdong
City: Guangzhou
Address: 8 Yuncheng Rd. Yunpu industrial zone, Luogang, Guangzhou China
TEL: +86-20-32067089
Fax: +86-2-82016062
Online Showroom: 16 Products
     Ginger Extract
Parts used and wheregrown:Ginger is a perennial plant that grows in China,India,Mexico, andseveral other countries. The rhizome (underground stem) is used as both a spiceand in herbal medicine. TraditionalChinese Medicine has recommended ginger for over 2,500 years. It isused for abdominal bloating, coughing,vomiting, diarrhea,and rheumatism. Ginger is commonly used in the Ayurvedicand Tibb systems of medicine for the treatment of inflammatory joint diseases,such as arthritis and rheumatism.
Latin Name: Zingiber Officinale Rosc.Extract method:By super critical CO2extraction
Appearance:Uniform light yellow fine powder,.
Specification:Our extract has 20%-30% gingerols and specialfor 25% -50% 6-gingerol.
Active constituents: 
volatile oil, Itmain contains zingiberene, alpha-phellandrene,α-curcumene,camphene, neral, β- bisabolene, linalool, cineole, borneol, zingiberol,zingiberone, shogaols, gingerols, gingerone, gingerdione and gingerenone etc.
Molecular Weight:294.386 g/mol
Molecular Formula: C17H26O4
CAS No.: 23513-14-6
IUPACName: 5-hydroxy-1-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxy-phenyl)decan-3-one
Fields of application:
Pharmaceutical & Nutritional Application:
Alzheimer's disease, painful osteoarthritis andchronic low back pain, cancer, ulcer, hyperemesis gravidarum, the managementand/or control of type 2 diabetes mellitus, nausea and vomiting associated withpregnancy, obesity, treatment of gastrointestinal ailments, Helicobacterpylori- associated gastroduodenal disease, dyspepsia, colic, diarrhea, thetreatment of tumors and other angiogenesis-dependent diseases, atherosclerosis,Parkinson's disease, treatment of intestinal ischemia-related diseases,cardiovascular disease, rheumatism and musculoskeletal disorders.  
Food & Cosmetical Application:
 Anti-inflammatory effects
·Heals damaged skin
·Revitalizes pale and tiredlooking skin by activating the micorcirculation.
·Anti-Aging effects
Ginger CO2 extractis successfully used in food and beverage industry, cosmeceutics, beauty andskin care products. Its recommended concentration in food, beverages, foodsupplements and natural remedies is 0.01 – 1%. Replacement rate of dry Gingerwith Ginger CO2 extract is 40 gwith1 gcorrespondingly. Percentratio to the total mass in cosmetic products is 0.1 – 1%. The use of Ginger CO2 extractraises regenerating properties of skin, improves metabolic processes of skin,has anti-inflammatory and tonic effect, improves skin elasticity andsmoothness, helps reducing cellulitis and skin ageing, leads to weightloss.
We have been successful in establishing our brand and sale to the international market due to our excellent quality and service of

Ginger Extract

. Delivering the best quality products conforming to the cultural needs of the client is the ultimate goal of us.