Two Shot Injection Molding
Item No.: | 2-5 |
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Country: Taiwan
City: Changhua County 508
Address: No. 168, Dongyuan Rd., Hemei Township
TEL: +886-4-7352156
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One important element of double shot injection molding is the two materials must be compatible with each other and designed to overmold.
In the first cycle, a nozzle injects plastic into a mold. The mold is then automatically rotated and a different type of plastic is injected into the mold from a second nozzle.
The process is relatively simple; one material is injected into a mold in order to make the initial piece of the product, followed by a second injection of another material that is compatible with the initial injection molded piece. The two plastic resins then form a molecular bond and the multi-resin molded part is cooled and ejected.
In the first cycle, a nozzle injects plastic into a mold. The mold is then automatically rotated and a different type of plastic is injected into the mold from a second nozzle.
The process is relatively simple; one material is injected into a mold in order to make the initial piece of the product, followed by a second injection of another material that is compatible with the initial injection molded piece. The two plastic resins then form a molecular bond and the multi-resin molded part is cooled and ejected.