Enterprise Data Protection
Item No.: | Enterprise Security-3 |
Supplier Details
Country: Taiwan
City: Taiwan (R.O.C)
Address: 11F-1, No. 16, Chien-pa Rd., Chung-he Dist., New Taipei City 235
TEL: +886-2-82265163
Fax: +886-2-82265181

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32 Products
The enterprises' confidential documents might be leakage due to different ways such as hackers or stolen by employees. For protecting the confidential documents, enterprises need a comprehensive information security mechanism.
enterprise security solution's identity authentication mechanism, operating by Service Management Platform with Authentication Storage Hardware Security Module. Only the right user that be certified can access the right data of the right disk. You can set up the permission of data access on Management Platform and also can remote create and delete data. The highly safety mechanism provides a best protection to enterprises.
enterprise security solution's identity authentication mechanism, operating by Service Management Platform with Authentication Storage Hardware Security Module. Only the right user that be certified can access the right data of the right disk. You can set up the permission of data access on Management Platform and also can remote create and delete data. The highly safety mechanism provides a best protection to enterprises.