Color Samples
Item No.: | CMF Design-2 |
Supplier Details
Country: Taiwan
City: New Taipei City 241
Address: No.33 Aly.21, Ln.193, Zhongzheng N.Rd., Sanchong Dist.
TEL: +886-2-29852688
Fax: +886-2-29852259

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33 Products
We create a variety of color sample for designers as aspiration helping them to speed up the designing process. We participate in color trend forward seminar so that we can get the first hand news about the state-of-the-art color trending and transfer to our designer friends at the early stage. Being a professional model maker it is our responsibility to keep sharp eye out for the design industry. also provides custom color solution for our customers. If you want to tailor-made your own color samples, please do not hesitate to meet with us.