Air Combat Games
Item No.: | Top Gunner STD |
Supplier Details
Country: Taiwan
City: New Taipei City 236
Address: 48,Yongping Street, Tucheng District
TEL: +886-2-22676317
Fax: +886-2-22675906

Online Showroom:
100 Products
Arcade Game
•Signature Machine Guns: 2 Force Feedbacks & Duo Grips
•Eye-Catching flashing LEDs
•Coin-op game
Place to use:Indoor Game Room / FEC / Shopping Mall / Theme Park
Color:Standard Color
Game Intro: Top Gunner STD Video Arcade Air Battle Game -Injoy Motion releases the new product for your need of coin-op games. Top Gunner STD features *real* recoiling machine guns and cool LED Lighted cabinet. The storyline goes that in the year 1944, the Allied intelligence reported that the German troops were reluctant to surrender because they held a secret weapon. To confirm the information, the assigned "task force" sneaked into the heart of Germany. However, this team was ambushed and only one airplane survived.
•Signature Machine Guns: 2 Force Feedbacks & Duo Grips
•Eye-Catching flashing LEDs
•Coin-op game
Place to use:Indoor Game Room / FEC / Shopping Mall / Theme Park
Single(STD) | W: 145 cm, D: 107 cm, H: 205 cm |
Color:Standard Color
Game Intro: Top Gunner STD Video Arcade Air Battle Game -Injoy Motion releases the new product for your need of coin-op games. Top Gunner STD features *real* recoiling machine guns and cool LED Lighted cabinet. The storyline goes that in the year 1944, the Allied intelligence reported that the German troops were reluctant to surrender because they held a secret weapon. To confirm the information, the assigned "task force" sneaked into the heart of Germany. However, this team was ambushed and only one airplane survived.