Chemical Additive 2017-11-17 09:14:11
Anti-Scorching Agent UAO-55 contains primary / aminic antioxidants, and is designed to improve the heat and color stabilities of polymers. It is an anti-scorchi ...
Anti Scorching Agent 2017-11-17 09:14:44
Anti-Scorching Agent The exposure of high temperatures to the interior of foams leads to embrittlement and the core discoloration commonly known as scorching. In s ...
Polymer Additives 2017-11-17 09:14:30
Anti-Scorching Agent UAO-68 contains radical trapper and primary/secondary antioxidant, and is designed to prevent the discoloration of polymers, especially agains ...
Chemical Additives 2017-11-17 09:14:18
Anti-Scorching Agent Scorching is an undesirable discoloration phenomenon which occurs within polyurethane (PU) foam blocks, causing them to assume a yellow to bro ...